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Monday, March 17, 2014

Suicide Prevention

When should my child/teen see a therapist?

Many parents come into my office seeking help for their child for a variety of difficulties.  There seems to be better outcomes with those that bring their children in the early stages of difficulties than those that wait. The earlier interventions can stop some of these difficult thinking and behavior patterns from becoming entrenched, and more difficult to change.   So what should parents look for to know if their child needs mental health treatment?  Before I give some warning signs I believe that it is important that a parent should follow their parental instinct if they believe the child need professional care. Here are some warning signs that parents should seek professional advice if their child exhibits any of these:

Warning Signs.

  • Drastic Changes in Moods: Your child’s moods swing drastically from one extreme to another.  Depressed moods, isolation, sleeping and eating habits change.  An increase in anger and aggression.
  • Thoughts of Suicide:  Attempts and threats of killing themselves.  Suicidal language or notes, “I wish I were dead” etc.  Para-suicidal behaviors such as cutting, and burning themselves.
  • Declining School Performance:  Truancy, and declining grades become a constant problem.  Oppositional behaviors towards teachers and school administration.  Fights and other forms of aggression at school.
  • Indication of drug use:  Secretive behavior, drug paraphernalia, changes in mood and sleeping habits, aggressiveness.
  • Social Concerns:  Your child may isolate them self from friends and family, or a drastic change in the group of friends your child “hangs out” with.  Constantly blames others for their difficulties.  Poor Hygiene.
  • Failing Family Relationships:   Increased family conflict.  Oppositional behavior to family rules.  Aggressive behaviors toward parents and siblings.  Running away from home.

With the exception of the suicidal thoughts and behaviors, it would be normal for your child to deal with some of these warning sign.  The key is to look for a pattern of difficulties.  In the case of the child’s safety the parent should always seek professional help.  If in question a parent should always consult a professional such as a therapist or a medical provider.  I encourage parents to not wait too long to have an evaluation if these warning sign are present.  A mental health provider can assist you in getting the appropriate help for your child, and your family.

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