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Monday, March 17, 2014

Parenting Class

There was once a man who gave a class for parents on how to parent. He called it "Ten Commandments for Parents," and parents, being insecure about their abilities, came from far and near to attend his class and learn how to be better parents. At this time he was not married and had no children. One day he met the woman of his dreams and got married. In time they had a child. He then retitled his class "Five Suggestions for Parents." In time they were blessed with another offspring. He then renamed the class, "Three tentative Hints for Parents." After their third child was born, he stopped teaching the class altogether.
(Excerpt taken from "In Search of Solutions")

Its a daunting task to be a parent, and even more daunting to teach a class on the best way to be a parent. Yet we offer a parenting class at Successful Therapy!  Not because we have perfected our own parenting, but because (similar to overcoming anxiety, depression, trauma, or addictions) there are many different ways to approaching parenting and we want to make sure you have the best approach for your children.  We understand that parenting is hard! 

Parenting is a never ending curriculum that parents and children learn as they grow and develop together.  There is rarely a clear cut answer for dealing with children who have agency and a million different personalities and ways of thinking, and on top of that are developing emotional regulation (and to be honest parents' emotions are pushed to the limits as well). Furthermore, we can't eliminate that natural pain that will occur as parents watch their children experience significant learning opportunities. What we can do is help you to learn how to handle manipulation and emotional breakdowns without breaking a sweat, offer ways to improve your ability to love and show compassion while setting clear boundaries and consequences, develop empathy and listening skills, and steer you clear of actions that will get in the way of having an enduring positive emotional relationship with your child.  Parenting classes are like vitamins, they can't solve everything but they also won't hurt you, they can only help.

 Parenting Seminar
Keven R. Downs, LCSW
Heather Schauers, CSW

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